
Hugo: “儒、釋、道”是三位一體的“撒但教”

在黑暗的世界裏,古蛇對撒但說,“所謂的‘中華文化’就是融合‘儒、釋、道’的文化,‘儒、釋、道’都是崇拜‘受造者’偶像的文化,‘儒、釋、道’都是屬三位一體的‘撒但教’,我就是用‘中華文化’與‘儒、釋、道’的思想來否定‘One father, Jehovah God’(Matt 23:9)與‘One teacher, Jesus Christ, the Son of Jehovah God’(Matt 23:10) ,不是嗎?”

撒但微笑地說,“我就是用‘中華文化’與‘儒、釋、道’的‘Veils’(2 Cor 4:3-4; 1 Cor 2:14-16; 2 Cor 3:13-16; Mt 13:10-15),來阻絕‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’(Ps 111:1-10; Ps 112:1-10; Mt 6:10; Mt 22:36-40; Exo 20:2-17; Deu 5:6-21) ,來阻絕‘Light’(Matt 24:14; Matt 28:18-20; John 8:12; John 1:4; 1 John 5:1; 1 John 2:8; Exo 19:18)與‘Truth’(John 14:6; John 8:32; John 6:35; Mat 24: 35; Gen 1:28; John 6:35-40; John 6:48–58),來阻絕‘Jehovah's Kingdom’(Is 42:8; Mat 4:17; John 3:16; John 17:24-26; Mt 6:10; Dan 2:44; Psalms 2:1-12; Rev 21:1-7),來建立‘中國’(撒但帝國),那些單一認知‘單音節象形文字’(Monosyllabic hieroglyphics)者,如何能了解呢?”

2011-8-6(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)