
Hugo: 中華墓園裡的鬼火--“立憲改革派”與“革命派”


天空中的螢火蟲望著墓園裡的“儒粹”(Conzi, Confucian Socialism)鬼火說,“任何不是建立在‘Christian Civilization’(Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel)基礎上的‘改革派’與‘革命派’,最終都無法結出‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’、‘Human dignity and human rights are God-given’(All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God; Individual dignity and individual rights come from God, not from government)、‘Spirit of Liberty’(2 Cor 3:17; John 18:36; James 4:4)、‘An individual/Freeman’(Individual dignity, integrity, love,
justice, liberty, moral responsibility and Individual rights)、‘Government is a servant of the citizen, the citizen is not a servant of the government’、‘Constitutional Republic’
(America is a Constitutional Republic, America is not a Democracy, or representative democracy)、‘Separation of three powers and counterbalance’(the legislature, executive, and judicial branches)的果子,最終都必走向暴力大屠殺與滅亡的命運,一百多年來的東亞大陸歷史還不能讓你清醒嗎?”

2011-8-15(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)