
Hugo: 毛澤東法則—用“謊言、暴力、殺人、不擇手段、勝者為王”等病毒吃人

在黑暗的中華文化世界裏,公民豬對毛蛇說,“我們已經打倒了代表‘一黨專制’與‘政治貪腐’的蔣蛇政權了,我們應該實踐‘Spirit of Liberty’(2 Cor 3:17; John 18:36; James 4:4)、‘An individual person, An independent person, An individual state, An independent state, All different Asian Independent States and the United States of Asia’、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’、‘Limit government’(Minarchism, Minimal statism, Small government, God's invisible hand; It prohibits the government from directly interfering with certain key areas: conscience, expression and association. Other actions are forbidden to the federal government and are reserved to state or local governments.)、‘Positive non-interventionism’(Downsizing government, Reduction in government spending, Avoid inflation, God's invisible hand)、 ‘Laissez-faire Capitalism’(God's invisible hand)、‘Low-tax and tax cuts’(Flat tax rate and low tax policy, Lower interest rates)(Lev 27:30-34; Deu 14:22-23; deu 14:28-29)、‘Constitutional Republic’(Christian civilization)、‘Separation of three powers and counterbalance’(the legislature, executive, and judicial branches)等信念了,不是嗎?”


天空中的鷹唱著《John 8:44》、《Is 1:4-10》、《Is 5:8-30》、《Mt 4:17》、《John 8:12》、《John 14:6》、《2 Cor 5:17-21》、《Is 2:1-4》與《Rev 21:1-8》歌後便飛走了。

2011-11-3(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)