
Hugo: 群妖魔與污鬼混亂台灣─台灣盛行各種吃人的邪教

在台灣的土地上,玉山杜鵑對合歡杜鵑說,“你看,台灣有‘儒教、道教、佛教、伊斯蘭教、統一教、天理教、一貫道、軒轅教、天帝教、宇宙大原靈教(囝仔仙)、道生會、真道教、天公(玉皇大帝)、土地公(福德正神)、北極玄天上帝(上帝公)、四海龍王、雷公、電母、七娘媽(七星娘娘)、風神、雨師、五方天帝、三山國王等天神、地祇、百物之神、祖先公媽、媽祖、開漳聖王、孔明先師、清水祖師、保生大帝等先王、神農大帝、太子爺(中壇元帥)、齊天大聖、孚佑帝君(呂洞賓)、狩狩爺(豬八戒)、虎爺、猴將軍、大樹公、有應公(萬姓公媽、大眾爺、大墓公、萬姓爺、水流公、普度公、金斗公、百姓公、萬善爺、萬善同歸)、義勇爺、十八王公、清水祖師、廣澤尊王、靈安尊王、觀音菩薩、保儀大夫、保儀尊王、各姓王爺、開漳聖王、輔信將軍(馬公爺)、敵天大帝、三山國王、五谷先帝(神農)、義民爺、社稷壇、山川壇、文廟(孔廟)、武廟(關帝廟)、城隍廟、文昌祠、龍王祠、天后宮、 忠義孝悌祠、火神廟、先農壇、烈女節婦祠、明明上帝’等偶像教,不是嗎?”

合歡杜鵑說,“這些都是拒絕‘Christian Civilization’(Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel)的妖魔與污鬼教(Mark 5:9; Jer 17:9; Mt 12:43; Mark 1:26; Luke 4:31-37; Luke 4:41; Rev 12:9),不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱起了《Do not turn yourselves to valueless gods, and YOU must not make molten gods for yourselves. I am Jehovah YOUR God.》(Lev 19:4) 、《YOU must not make valueless gods for yourselves, and YOU must not set up a carved image or a sacred pillar for yourselves, and YOU must not put a stone as a showpiece in YOUR land in order to bow down toward it; for I am Jehovah YOUR God. YOU should keep my sabbaths and stand in awe of my sanctuary. I am Jehovah.》(Lev 26:1-2) 、《For all the gods of the peoples are valueless gods. As for Jehovah, he made the heavens.》(1 Chr 16:26)、《Do there exist among the vain idols of the nations any that can pour down rain, or can even the heavens themselves give copious showers? Are you not the One, O Jehovah our God? And we hope in you, for you yourself have done all these things.》(Jer 14:22)與《I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.》(Is 42:8)歌。

2011-11-17(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)