
Hugo: “大中國”必定“大屠殺”

在儒教的蛇坑外,茉莉花指著蛇坑對野地裏的百合花說,“打倒共產黨,重建新的大中國!”;野地裏的百合花說,“所謂的‘大中國’必定是‘大屠殺’,‘大中國’裏沒有‘All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God’、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’、‘Individual dignity and individual rights are God-given(Individual dignity and individual rights come from God, not from anyone)、‘An individual/Freeman’(Individual dignity, integrity, life, love, justice, liberty, equality, moral responsibility and Individual rights)、‘Government is a servant of the citizen, the citizen is not a servant of the government’、‘Constitutional Republic ’與‘Separation of three powers and counterbalance’等信念,‘大中國’裏只有‘漢人的大一統’與‘漢人的專制與中央集權’,‘大中國’能不大屠殺異己與不服從者嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《Therefore welcome one another, just as the Christ also welcomed us, with glory to God in view. For I say that Christ actually became a minister of those who are circumcised in behalf of God’s truthfulness, so as to verify the promises He made to their forefathers, and that the nations might glorify God for his mercy. Just as it is written: That is why I will openly acknowledge you among the nations and to your name I will make melody. And again he says: Be glad, YOU nations, with his people. And again: Praise Jehovah, all YOU nations, and let all the peoples praise him. And again Isaiah says: There will be the root of Jes´se, and there will be one arising to rule nations; on him nations will rest their hope. May the God who gives hope fill YOU with all joy and peace by YOUR believing, that YOU may abound in hope with power of holy spirit.》(Rom 15:7-13)歌。

2011-11-30(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)