
Hugo: 從楊佳走向林昭的革命道路

在即將大崩潰的紅色邪惡帝國裡,烏鴉對螢火蟲說,“楊佳與林昭都敢於‘Fight for individual dignity, freedom, justice, and human rights’,他們都完全否定共產黨政權機器存在的合法性,他們的本質差別何在?”

螢火蟲提出了意見,“《Bible》說,‘Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.’(Genesis 9:6)、‘Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.’(Exodus 21:24;Leviticus 24:20;Deuteronomy19:21;Matthew 5:38),這是人間相同償還的道裡,楊佳的刀只有人間相同償還的‘恨’,這只能如‘秋瑾與徐錫麟’一樣,開創出另一個‘中華帝國’ (即先出現的ROC與後來的PRC等兩漢人帝國,其本質類似法國的大革命,最後都必走向新的專制政權),不是嗎?”

“主耶穌基督曾說,‘Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.’(Matthew 26:52) ,這是主耶穌基督對人類的新的誡命(New Commandment),林昭遵從的是主耶穌基督對人類的新的誡命;林昭用的是‘主耶穌基督的愛與信仰’的刀,這刀的Spirit and power遠遠大於楊佳刀的Spirit and power,她非常有可能開展出以‘God's love, truth and righteousness’為基礎的‘Liberal Democracy’(or Constitutional Democracy,其本質類似美國的獨立革命) ,不是嗎?”

2009-12-20(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/