
Hugo: “獨尊儒術”下的宦奴娼獸鬼

在人肉禧宴裡,董仲舒大紅龍奴顏地對漢武帝大紅龍說, “我主張‘獨尊儒術’,我主張‘不在六藝之科、孔子之術者,皆絕其道,勿使並進’;所謂的‘儒術’就是‘吃人的禮教’,如此大王不就可以日日有人肉吃了嗎?”

漢武帝大紅龍鼓掌說道, “太好了!這樣子漢人的子子孫孫就會永遠是‘宦、奴、娼、獸、鬼’了,就會變成我的‘俎上肉’了,不是嗎?”

螢火蟲憤怒地說,“主耶穌基督曾在會堂指出,‘Jehovah’s spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor, he sent me forth to preach a release to the captives and a recovery of sight to the blind, to send the crushed ones away with a release, to preach Jehovah’s acceptable year.’(Luke 4:18;Isaiah61:1),如果沒有‘Jehovah’s spirit’的救贖,那些被洗腦成漢人的人如何能擺脫變成‘宦、奴、娼、獸、鬼’的命運呢?”

2009-12-17(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)