
Hugo: 龍之奴好吃龍文化屎並好哭唱龍文化屎歌


小草指著“Arthur Henderson Smith”( 1845—1932年)在《Chinese Characteristics》(1890版)書裡的結論說,“這些奴既然堅持拒絕‘Christian civilization(普世價值與文化)’ ,既然不接受《The Mayflower Compact》(1620), 《The Virginia Declaration of Rights》(1776), 《United States Declaration of Independence》(July 4, 1776),《The Articles of Confederation》(1781), 《The Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty》(1786),《The United States Constitution》(1789), 《The Amendments to the United States Constitution》等果子,既然不願意成為‘An individual/Freeman’,既然要選擇繼續吃龍文化屎,那又何必要哭唱這龍文化屎歌呢?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《YOU must pray, then, this way: Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.》(Matt 6:9-10) 與《Do not call anyone YOUR father on earth, for one is YOUR Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called leaders, for YOUR Leader is one, the Christ.》(Matt 23:9-10)等歌。

2012-7-10(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)