
Hugo: 火只能燒出更多奴的眼淚

在龍的大一統墳旁,藏紅花獨自在哭訴,“你看,丹增平措又自焚了!這是2011年3月以來第12位自焚的藏族僧侶,這火焰多麼地悲壯?”;野地裏的百合花對藏紅花說,“火不能燒出‘Justice’(Gen 9:6; Exo 20:13; Gen 4:10-11; Mt 26:52; Is 1:15;1 John 3:15; Rev 21:8),火只能燒出更多奴的眼淚,你必須以跟從‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel(Christian civilization)’來獲得救贖,你該醒了,不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《Do not show yourself heated up because of the evildoers. Do not be envious of those doing unrighteousness. For like grass they will speedily wither, And like green new grass they will fade away. Trust in Jehovah and do good; Reside in the earth, and deal with faithfulness. Also take exquisite delight in Jehovah, And he will give you the requests of your heart. Roll upon Jehovah your way, And rely upon him, and he himself will act.》(Ps 37:1-5)與《Turn away from what is bad and do what is good, And so reside to time indefinite. For Jehovah is a lover of justice,And he will not leave his loyal ones. To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded; But as for the offspring of the wicked ones, they will indeed be cut off. The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it.》(Ps 37:27-29)歌。

2011-12-1(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)