
Hugo: 儒教的本質─崇尚暴力、謊言、蛇術、名利權位

在黑暗的撒但廟裏,孔丘大紅龍拿著殺少正卯的血刀對撒但說,“儒學本質,就是‘地位有多高,權就有多大;權有多大,刀就有多利;權有多大,利就有多大;權有多大,名就有多大’,就是‘必須靠刀(殺少正卯的刀)與謊言(殺少正卯的謊言)來爭奪名利權位’ ,就是‘必須靠蛇術(中庸、易經、變色龍、權謀詭詐、坑矇拐騙、假大空、厚黑等術)來飛龍上天’,就是‘騙’,不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《The senseless one has said in his heart: There is no Jehovah. They have acted ruinously and have acted detestably in unrighteousness; There is no one doing good. As for God, he has looked down from heaven itself upon the sons of men, To see whether there exists anyone having insight, anyone seeking Jehovah. They have all of them turned back, they are [all] alike corrupt; There is no one doing good, Not even one. Have none of the practicers of what is hurtful got knowledge, Eating up my people as they have eaten bread? They have not called even upon Jehovah. There they were filled with a great dread, Where there had proved to be no dread; For God himself will certainly scatter the bones of anyone camping against you. You will certainly put [them] to shame, for Jehovah himself has rejected them.》(Ps 53:1-5)歌。

2011-12-6(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)