
Hugo: 漢文字的“民主”與“共和”的本義都是“專制”


野地裏的百合花說,“那屬巫文字(巫王實行獨裁與專制)而不具有‘Christian Civilization’(Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel)信仰內涵的漢文字,如何能表述‘Constitutional Republic’概念?如何能區分‘Rule by law’與‘Rule of law’的對立概念?如何能區分Constitutional Republic’(Christian civilization)與‘Representative Democracy’(Camouflage coat of Satan)的對立概念?如何能區分‘Constitutional Republic’(Christian civilization)與‘Social Democracy’(Camouflage coat of Satan)的對立概念?如何能區分‘Constitutional Republic’(Christian civilization)與‘Democracy’(Camouflage coat of Satan)的對立概念?如何能表述‘Republic- Majority persons take minority persons to jury who decide what to do based on law’與‘Democracy- Majority persons can kill minority persons if majority persons decide to do so’的對立概念?如何能表述‘Republic- Rule by law’與‘Democracy- Rule by majority’的對立概念?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《And may your loving-kindnesses come to me, O Jehovah, Your salvation according to your saying, That I may answer the one reproaching me with a word, For I have trusted in your word. And do not take away from my mouth the word of truth entirely, For I have waited for your own judicial decision. And I will keep your law constantly, To time indefinite, even forever. And I will walk about in a roomy place, For I have searched even for your orders. I will also speak about your reminders in front of kings, And I shall not be ashamed. And I shall show a fondness for your commandments. That I have loved. And I shall raise my palms to your commandments that I have loved, And I will concern myself with your regulations.》(Ps 119:41-48)歌。

2011-12-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)