
Hugo: 日本明治維新的誤區與貧困

在日本明治維新博物館前,綠雉(Green Pheasant)對螢火蟲說,“自1868年4月6日明治發表《五條御誓文》(一、廣興會議,萬機決於公論。二、上下一心,盛展經綸。三、官武一體,以至庶民,各遂其志,毋使人心倦怠。四、破除舊有之陋習,一本天地之公道。五、求知識於世界,大振皇國之基業。),至1945年8月15日裕仁宣佈投降,日本舉國人77年的富國強兵政策與積極努力結果竟然使日本成為廢墟之國,這《五條御誓文》是不是少了什麼呢?”

螢火蟲提出了意見,“經上說,‘Show me favor, O God, according to your loving-kindness. According to the abundance of your mercies wipe out my transgressions. Thoroughly wash me from my error, And cleanse me even from my sin. For my transgressions I myself know, And my sin is in front of me constantly. Against you, you alone, I have sinned, And what is bad in your eyes I have done, In order that you may prove to be righteous when you speak, That you may be in the clear when you judge. Look! With error I was brought forth with birth pains, And in sin my mother conceived me.’(Ps 51:1-5);主耶穌基督說,‘I am the light of the world. He that follows me will by no means walk in darkness, but will possess the light of life.’(John 8:12),賽車者的車的煞車器與車燈壞了,而他卻想在黑暗中猛開快車,這如何不車毀人亡呢?”

“這《五條御誓文》裡根本沒有‘Jehovah's commandments(Exo 20:2-17; Deu 5:6-21) and Jesus' gospel’,那麼所謂的維新裡就沒有充分發展‘The Sense of Absolute moral, Salvation, Spiritual soul, Spiritual liberalization, Love(Love your neighbor as yourself; Love your enemy as yourself), Forgiveness, Justice, Truth(Only Truth can set us free),Individualism(Self-respect; Self-dignity; Self-control; Self-government; Self-organization; Self-responsibility; Self-defense; Self-creativity; Self-awareness; Self-knowledge; Self-joy; Self-happiness; Self-directed morals; Self-enforced orientation), Liberalism, Liberal spirit, Freeman, Equality(All men are created equal), Human Rights(All man have natural human rights; Race and gender are not the standard of justice), Citizen rights(Civil rights and civil law; People have the right to autonomy; People have the right to establish a Constitution; All power from the people; Limited power of the government; Citizens are not subordinate to the government; Human rights transcend sovereignty), Peace’等價值理念與精神文明的可能性,如此所謂的維新最終如何不導向自我毀滅的命運呢?”

“東亞大陸自1911年10月10日武昌起兵至2010年的今天,東亞大陸人的富國強兵政策與積極努力的結果換來的還不是一片廢墟與罪惡之地?2010年的今天,日本人與東亞大陸人能真正意識到其文明貧困的原因嗎?沒有‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’,人類如何可能透過任何一種努力方式真正全面地獲得上述的價值理念與精神文明?”

2010-2-19(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)