
Hugo: 豬奴的思維邏輯與意識型態

在充滿龍文化與龍大糞的豬圈裡,有一群豬奴正在爭先恐後地搶吃龍大糞, A豬奴邊吃邊炫耀地說,“只要你不說大紅龍是敵人,只要你肯說這豬圈很舒適,只要你肯向大紅龍下跪,只要你肯當大紅龍的奴隸,你就可以繼續在這裡吃龍膏,不是嗎?” ;B豬奴也邊吃邊炫耀地說,“只要你跟著大紅龍喊弘揚中華文化,只要你跟著大紅龍喊建設中華民族共有精神家園,只要你跟著大紅龍喊中華民族偉大復興,只要你跟著大紅龍喊謊話,你就可以繼續在這裡吃龍肉,不是嗎?”

螢火蟲氣憤地說,“經上說,‘My son, to my words do pay attention. To my sayings incline your ear. May they not get away from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those finding them and health to all their flesh. More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. Remove from yourself the crookedness of speech; and the deviousness of lips put far away from yourself. As for your eyes, straight ahead they should look, yes, your own beaming eyes should gaze straight in front of you. Smooth out the course of your foot, and may all your own ways be firmly established. Do not incline to the right hand or to the left. Remove your foot from what is bad.’(Proverbs 4:20-27) 。這群被龍文化與龍大糞毒害的豬奴,這群沒有‘Sense of dignity, truth, Justice, liberty’的鬼畜,這群拒絕接受‘Jehovah's commandments(Exo 20:2-17; Deu 5:6-21) and Jesus' gospel’的邪靈? 牠們如何能看得見‘Jehovah's light’呢?”

2010-2-18(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)