










堅硬難吃的無酵餅代表困苦餅,困苦餅代表逆境。當人在吃羊羔的肉時,那是在接受「Truth」與「Holy Spirit」,代表人因為接受「Truth」與「Holy Spirit」而得到救贖,此時人不可以吃來自世間的「發酵的餅」;人吃堅硬難吃的無酵餅代表「人為耶和華守節」與「不忘耶和華的救贖」。

Then Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.(John 6:35)

He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”(Matthew 13:33)


主耶穌是生命的「Bread of Life」,這「Flour」要靠來自神的「酵」才能變成「Bread of Life」,即「The kingdom of heaven」。


因此,「酵」有兩種,一種是發揚「Truth」與「Holy Spirit」的「酵」,它可以幫助人進入天國與獲得永生;一種是「愛世界的酵」,就是「人文學者的酵」,如同「法利賽人的酵」,它會引導人走向「Lake of fire(火湖)與「永遠的滅亡」命運。

你們不要愛世界,也不要愛世界上的事物。如果有人愛世界,父的愛就不在他裡面了。(約翰一書 2:15)

And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.(Revelation 20:10)

But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.(Revelation 21:8)


耶穌說:「我就是道路、真理、生命。要不是藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。(約翰福音 14:6)

這些「拜假神的人文學者」的思想如同「法利賽人的酵」,都是「敵基督」;「敵基督」擅長用「Good()與「Justice」的概念來包裝他所要推銷的「非真理」(Non truth)思想。

親愛的弟兄啊,一切的靈,你們不可都信,總要試驗那些靈是出於神的不是,因為世上有許多假先知已經出來了。凡靈認耶穌基督是成了肉身來的,就是出於神的;從此你們可以認出神的靈來。凡靈不認耶穌,就不是出於神;這是那敵基督者的靈。你們從前聽見他要來,現在已經在世上了。(約翰一書 4:1-3)


個體人應當過聖潔的生活:因此,你們要約束自己的意念,要謹慎,要把盼望完全寄託在耶穌基督顯現時帶給你們的恩典上。做為順從的兒女,不可效法你們原先愚昧無知時的那些欲望; 相反,正如召喚你們的那一位是聖潔的,你們在一切行為上也當成為聖潔的,因為經上記著:「你們當成為聖潔的,因為我是聖潔的。」(彼得前書1:13-16

亞當與夏娃在伊甸園中吃了他們所認為的「好作食物」(Good for food)、「悅人眼目」(Pleasing to the eyes)、「使人有智慧」(Gaining wisdom)的「分別善惡的果子」後,他們眼睛明亮了,便認為能如同神一樣知道善惡。

事實上,他們自以爲眼睛明亮(Opening the physical eyes),但是卻關閉了屬靈的眼睛(Closing the spiritual eyes);他們相信自己的眼睛,從此變成了「以自我為中心」而不是「以神為中心」的惡果子。



明亮之星,早晨之子啊,你何竟從天墜落?你這攻敗列國的何竟被砍倒在地上? 你心裡曾說:我要升到天上;我要高舉我的寶座在神眾星以上;我要坐在聚會的山上,在北方的極處。我要升到高雲之上;我要與至上者同等。(以賽亞書14: 12-14)

你就明白敬畏耶和華,得以認識神。因為耶和華賜人智慧,知識和聰明都由他口而出。他給正直人存留真智慧,給行為純正的人做盾牌,為要保守公平人的路,護庇虔敬人的道。你也必明白仁義、公平、正直,一切的善道。(箴言 2: 5-9)



耶和華說:「我的意念非同你們的意念,我的道路非同你們的道路。天怎樣高過地,照樣,我的道路高過你們的道路,我的意念高過你們的意念。(以賽亞書 55: 8-9)

亞當與夏娃吃的是「知識樹的果子」,不是「智慧樹的果子」,他們永遠不可能擁有「God’s wisdom」;亞當與夏娃以為能如同神一樣知道善惡,但事實上從人所認知的善惡層次,永遠不可能達到如同神一樣知道善惡的能力,也永遠無法了解與防範人心裡最深沉的詭詐。

人心比萬物都詭詐,壞到極處,誰能識透呢?我耶和華是鑒察人心、試驗人肺腑的,要照各人所行的和他做事的結果報應他。 那不按正道得財的,好像鷓鴣抱不是自己下的蛋,到了中年,那財都必離開他,他終究成為愚頑人。(耶利米書 17:9-11)


我們既然蒙憐憫,受了這職分,就不喪膽,乃將那些暗昧可恥的事棄絕了;不行詭詐,不謬講神的道理,只將真理表明出來,好在神面前把自己薦與各人的良心。 如果我們的福音蒙蔽,就是蒙蔽在滅亡的人身上。此等不信之人被這世界的神弄瞎了心眼,不叫基督榮耀福音的光照著他們。基督本是神的像。(哥林多後書4:1-4




經上說:神抵擋驕傲的人,賜恩典給謙卑的人。(雅各書 4:6)


你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明,在你一切所行的事上都要認定他,他必指引你的路。不要自以為有智慧,要敬畏耶和華,遠離惡事。這便醫治你的肚臍,滋潤你的百骨。 (箴言 3:5-8)


人若吃了「知識樹的果子」者就會走向「敵基督」的道路,最後將成為撒旦的兒女,成為推銷「非真理」(Non truth)思想者,即傳揚「謊言與虛無思想」與假扮「光明天使」的撒旦學者。

Aristotle, Politics: "The relation of male to female is by nature a relation of superior to inferior and ruler to ruled."






凡是將人等級化者就是來自撒旦的思想,撒旦否定「All men are created equal」的真理,亞理士多德就是在推銷這種來自撒旦的「人的等級意識」的邪惡思想。

經文:這並不足為奇,原來撒旦自己也裝做光明的天使。(哥林多後書 11:14)

經文:銀鍊折斷,金罐破裂,瓶子在泉旁損壞,水輪在井口破爛,塵土仍歸於地,靈仍歸於賜靈的神。傳道者說:虛空的虛空,凡事都是虛空。再者,傳道者因有智慧,仍將知識教訓眾人;又默想,又考查,又陳說許多箴言。傳道者專心尋求可喜悅的言語,是憑正直寫的誠實話。智慧人的言語好像刺棍;會中之師的言語又像釘穩的釘子,都是一個牧者所賜的。我兒,還有一層,你當受勸戒:著書多,沒有窮盡;讀書多,身體疲倦。 這些事都已聽見了,總意就是:敬畏神,謹守他的誡命,這是人所當盡的本分。因為人所做的事,連一切隱藏的事,無論是善是惡,神都必審問。(傳道書12:6-12






But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”(John 4:23-24)

時候將到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心靈和真理拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他。 神是個靈,所以拜他的必須用心靈和真理拜他。(約翰福音4:23-24




在主曆前508–507年,也就是蘇格拉底(Socrates,主曆前470-399)出生前38年,克里斯提尼(Cleisthenes)在雅典建立了人類首次的民主政治(first democracy);克里斯提尼被尊稱為「雅典的民主之父」(the father of Athenian democracy)

古希臘時代的雅典人用希臘語的「demos(common people, 人民)和「kratos(strength, 力量、實力)兩個詞組合而創造了「Demokratia(即英文的Democracy,民主)一詞;「Demokratia」代表為「人民治理的權力」,即「人民透過地區選舉產生代表來治理國」。


一,《The Republic》是柏拉圖37歲的作品

柏拉圖在蘇格拉底死後的9年,即37歲時寫作《The Republic(《理想國》),共10卷。

柏拉圖在這《The Republic》的10卷書裡,都在探討「Justice(正義)、「God()、「Virtues(美德)、「Wisdom(智慧)與「理想國的制度理念與思考」等美好理念主題;柏拉圖甚至想用「智慧,勇敢,節制和正義」等四種德性來建立理想的邦國。


The warrior and ruling classes live in barracks, eat together, and share possessions. None has families. All children of these classes are brought up without knowing their parents. In this way, Plato tries to keep these classes from gaining wealth or producing family dynasties.



柏拉圖是人類「極權思想」的倡導者,「極權思想」有五大特點,這是五大特點是柏拉圖的核心思想,即宣揚「人應該接受暴君統治」、「群體意識」、「國的利益至上思想」、「否定Individual dignity and rights」、「個人的最高存在價值在服務於邦國」等思想。





柏拉圖將自己視為改造人性與世界的神了,這就是撒旦的本質;那些崇拜與宣揚柏拉圖哲學者已成為撒旦的兒女而不自知,例如,亞里士多德、教父哲學(Patristic philosophy,主曆2-5世紀)、奧古斯丁(Aurelius Augustine,主曆354-451)、馬克思(Karl Marx;主曆1818-1883)、希特勒、種族優生主義(Racial hygiene)、種族優生者大清洗歐洲猶太人、極權主義、集體主義、共產主義、社會主義等都受此酵的影響。




美國憲政中的「三權分立」與「權利法案」制度是要有效制約政府權力,並有效保障「Individual dignity and rights」與「Individual justice and freedom」,這些制約與保護理念是柏拉圖思想所完全沒有的本質。


撒旦絕不會尊重「Individual dignity and rights」與「Individual justice and freedom」,因為這樣就不能宣揚「群體主義、集體主義、社會主義、國的利益至上、種族的利益至上」等思想。





蘇格拉底用人文的思考方式來探討「認識你自己」,這只是追求「知識樹」,不是「生命樹」;「生命樹」是哈佛大學校徽上「Veritus」,即「Truth」,即「主耶穌」,即「敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端」,任何其它的人的思想追求方式都達不到「God’s wisdom」與「Truth」。




1,敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,凡遵行他命令的是聰明人。耶和華是永遠當讚美的!(詩篇 111:10)

2,我們都像不潔淨的人,所有的義都像汙穢的衣服;我們都像葉子漸漸枯乾,我們的罪孽好像風把我們吹去。(以賽亞書 64:6)

3,我們都如羊走迷,各人偏行己路,耶和華使我們眾人的罪孽都歸在他身上。(以賽亞書 53:6)


5,就如經上所記:沒有義人,連一個也沒有。(羅馬書 3:10)

6,耶穌說:我就是道路、真理、生命。要不是藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。(約翰福音 14:6)



柏拉圖在《The Republic》書裡主張「Rule by man」,即「Ruled by philosophers, Rule by Philosopher Kings, Rule by the best」。

The Republic》的第1-4卷探討「Justice」,第4卷還探討「幸福」的理念;柏拉圖是從「Human Law」立場來探討,因此只能從對人的利益與相對道德觀點來闡述,無法達到「God’s Law」的範疇,那就是絕對的道德原則與立場,即「Ten commandments」,主耶穌對其有清楚的解說。

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”(Matthew 22:37-40)

The Republic》的第5卷探討「理想國」的型態,認為統治階層實行一夫一妻制是不知利用人的资源,主張在統治階層實行共妻、共子、共產,並採行男女計畫性交配與生育。統治階層需要過類似人民公社生活、沒有個別家庭、共有婚姻與孩子。



Socrates believes that the guardians will possess the women and the children of the city in common (449b-d). 

Socrates describes the system of eugenics in more detail.  In order to guarantee that the best guardian men have sex with the best guardian women, the city will have marriage festivals supported by a rigged lottery system (459e-460a).  The best guardian men will also be allowed to have sex with as many women as they desire in order to increase the likelihood of giving birth to children with similar natures (460a-b).  Once born, the children will be taken away to a rearing pen to be taken care of by nurses and the parents will not be allowed to know who their own children are (460c-d).  This is so that the parents think of all the children as their own.  Socrates recognizes that this system will result in members of the same family having intercourse with each other (461c-e).








柏拉圖的「女人歸男人所共有制」是毛共政權共妻文化的起源;柏拉圖的「兒童歸共有制」是1935年納粹黨「生命之源計劃」(Lebensborn e. V.)的起源。

在《The Republic》的第6卷,蘇格拉底主張「哲學家們應該統治城市」

Socrates goes on to explain why philosophers should rule the city.  They should do so since they are better able to know the truth and since they have the relevant practical knowledge by which to rule.  The philosopher’s natural abilities and virtues prove that they have what is necessary to rule well: they love what is rather than what becomes (485a-b), they hate falsehood (485c), they are moderate (485d-e), they are courageous (486a-b), they are quick learners (486c), they have a good memory (486c-d), they like proportion since the truth is like it, and they have a pleasant nature (486d-487a).


To the accusation that philosophers are bad, Socrates responds that those with the philosopher’s natural abilities and with outstanding natures often get corrupted by a bad education and become outstandingly bad (491b-e).


Socrates proceeds to discuss the education of philosopher kings (502c-d).  The most important thing philosophers should study is the Form of the Good (505a).  Socrates considers several candidates for what the Good is, such as pleasure and knowledge and he rejects them (505b-d).  He points out that we choose everything with a view to the good (505e).  Socrates attempts to explain what the Form of the Good is through the analogy of the sun (507c-509d).  As the sun illuminates objects so the eye can see them, the Form of the Good renders the objects of knowledge knowable to the human soul.  As the sun provides things with their ability to be, to grow, and with nourishment, the Form of the Good provides the objects of knowledge with their being even though it itself is higher than being (509b).

在《The Republic》書裡,柏拉圖對於蘇格拉底的死,柏拉圖提出了他對「Democracy」的厭惡看法;他說:「Daemocracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequal alike.」與「Democracy passes into despotism.

柏拉圖對於處死蘇格拉底的雅典民主制度深表反對,因為雅典的「Democracy(民主政治)是「Rule by People」與「Rule by Majority」,這種制度的弊端在於「多數人可以透過制度剝奪人的權利」與「缺乏美國憲政的三權分立與權利法案的制約」。

柏拉圖認為,雅典的貴族更喜歡民主(由暴民統治,rule by the mob)、富豪統治(由富人統治,rule by the rich)或寡頭統治(由集團統治,rule by a clique);柏拉圖認為這些都不是理想的政治制度,柏拉圖已經看見了雅典「Democracy」的弊端了。




柏拉圖在《The Republic》書中特別主張要建立一種能夠培養哲人王的教育制度。

柏拉圖在《The Republic》書裏,包括了政治學、倫理學、教育學、數學、經濟學、軍事、體育與藝術等各種領域;這是令人感覺內容廣博與奧秘,但是這些只不過是魔鬼包裝毒藥的糖衣,其目的是魔鬼要毒化人心。

以下是《The Republic》書的毒藥成分:

1,柏拉圖說:Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.

柏拉圖不認識「Truth」,所以不了解「Truth」與「Liberty」的關係;奠基在「Truth」的「Liberty」,包含「Individual self government」,「Individual moral responsibility」,因為「Truth」就是「基督福音」,

柏拉圖所認知的「Liberty」,是不包含「Individual self government」與「Individual moral responsibility」;柏拉圖所說的「Liberty」是「放縱」。

2,柏拉圖主張不要由多數人統治,而是要由最優秀的人來統治所有的人;蘇格拉底將人分成三等級,即哲人統治階級(ruling class)、護衛者(guardians,即士兵與警察)、生產者(the real productive population)

Plato believed that not the most numerous ones, but the best ones should govern. Society should consist of three classes. The ruling class, who should have a very long education in philosophy, history and politics, the guardians, who had to be brave because they would be soldiers and police. The third class was the real productive population. They should just concentrate on their jobs and their private lives. 

柏拉圖在《The Republic》書中,使用「ruling class」,這是馬克思共產主義的「階級意識」起源;將人分等級與階級,這是邪惡的行為,因為「All men are created equal」與「Each individual is unique and is endowed by his or her Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness」。

柏拉圖在《The Republic》第5卷說:‘Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils,—nor the human race, as I believe,—and then only will this our State have a possibility of life and behold the light of day.' 


柏拉圖認為治國者必須是愛好真理的哲人王,使政治權力與哲學力量(Spirit and power of philosophy)完全融合,他將靠著哲學智慧(wisdom)來統治國,這樣城邦才會獲得光明、人類才能免於邪惡的災難。

柏拉圖不了解人的「Original Sin」,在普遍拜偶像的雅典是找不到他所幻想的哲人王,因為拜偶像的社會是人性敗壞的地方。


3,柏拉圖在《The Republic》第5卷宣揚「Saviours(拯救者,救星)的概念,即將「Rulers(人的統治者)改為「Saviours」,如下:

And in our State what other name besides that of citizens do the people give the rulers?

They are called saviours and helpers, he replied.



卡爾波普爾(Sir Karl Raimund Popper1902-1994)在《開放社會及其敵人》(The Open Society and Its Enemies)中將「柏拉圖的哲學王統治、黑格爾的國家哲學、馬克思的共產主義」列為現代極權主義的起源。


柏拉圖說:Tyranny is not a matter of minor theft and violence, but of wholesale plunder, sacred and profane, private or public. If you are caught committing such crimes in detail you are punished and disgraced; sacrilege, kidnapping, burglary, fraud, theft are the names we give to such petty forms of wrongdoing. But when a man succeeds in robbing the whole body of citizens and reducing them to slavery, they forget these ugly names and call him happy and fortunate, as do all others who hear of his unmitigated wrongdoing.



暴君是毒藥,賣這毒藥者有「嬴政、黃巢、亞歷山大、成吉思汗、忽必烈、努爾哈赤、 拿破崙、裕仁、希特勒、墨索里尼、史達林、毛澤東、蔣介石、魯道夫·胡斯(Rudolf Hoess)、利奧波德二世、東條英機、列寧、伊斯麥爾·恩維爾帕夏(Enver Pasha)、波爾布特(柬埔寨)、葉海亞汗(巴基斯坦)與鐵拖(南斯拉夫)」等。

這些暴君殺戮與迫害的人都比只有25萬的雅典人還多,因為他會踐踏「Individual dignity and rights」與「Individual justice and freedom」;這樣的暴君毒藥與「Democracy」毒藥的本質是一樣的,都是殺人與迫害人的工具。


5,柏拉圖說:The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness. ...This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.

柏拉圖沒有機會接觸基督信仰,因此他永遠無法了解下列文件裡的「We the People」意義;這「People」包含了「Individual self government」與「Individual moral responsibility」的內涵。

1Reagan's Farewell Address“We the people” tell the government what to do, it doesn’t tell us.


2,《五月花號公約》(The Mayflower Compact, 1620)In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc. Having undertaken for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith and Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the First Colony in the Northern Parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, Covenant and Combine ourselves together in a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod, the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France and Ireland the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini 1620.

3,《Virginia Bill of Rights(June 12, 1776)的第2條說:That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them.

4,《Virginia Bill of Rights(June 12, 1776)的第3條說:That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government that is best, which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and that whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right, to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the publick weal.

5177672日,《美國獨立宣言》“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among them, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.”

6,《美國憲法》的前言(Preamble)We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

7,《美國權利法案》(United States Bill of Rights)Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


1,約翰·洛克(John Locke1632-1704)

Being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions.

Where there is no property there is no injustice.

Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.

Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to, but himself.

Revolt is the right of the people.


There is as yet no liberty if the power of judging be not separated from legislative power and the executive power.

For we can not abuse power, must, by the arrangement of things, power checks power.

In any judicial, must compensate the greatness of the power by the brevity of its duration.

A thing is not just because it is law. But it must be law because it is just.

If in the interior of a state you do not hear the noise of any conflict, you can be sure that freedom is not there.

The monarchy is the system where a single person governs by fixed and established laws.

Despotism is a plan alone, without law and without rule, leads all its will and caprices.






美國第二任總統John Adams(1735-1826) 對「Democracy」提出了批判,他說,「Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.


美國的憲法,採行「Constitutional Republic」,用「三權分立」與「權利法案」來限制政府權力與保障「Individual dignity and rightsIndividual freedom」,美國人以此憲政體制來防止產生「暴民政治」。

然而,「三權分立」與「權利法案」並不是萬靈丹,如果行使權力者不敬畏神,則一樣會產生「暴力政治」,例如美國奧巴馬總統,他是「Marxism」與「Muslimism」結合生出來的毒瘤,他用他的權力暴力剝奪了美國人的權利,他試圖摧毀「Founding Principle of the United States of AmericaIndividual dignity and rightsIndividual liberty and freedom」。

柏拉圖並不了解奠基在「人本文化」的「Republic」,即使再多幾次的「Re」也永遠只能停留在「Human Law」的範疇裡,它永遠也不可能達到「God’s Law」與「God’s Justice」的更高層次。

人必須認識真正的「God」與「God’s Commandments(Ten Commandments),才有可能認識真正的「God’s Justice」;真正的「God’s Justice」才是柏拉圖所要追求的真正「Justice」。

柏拉圖的《理想國》裡提到了「The philosopher kings should be the rulers, as all philosophers aim to discover the ideal polis.」與「The ‘kallipolis’, or the beautiful city, is a just city where political rule depends on knowledge, which philosopher kings possess, and not power.




然而,來自「人本文化」的「Knowledges」、「Morality」、「Good」、「Virtues」或「Justice」等理念,對人而言都是不可靠的「制約權力」因素,它們無法有效地制約「擁有絕對權力的統治者的濫權與貪腐」,因此柏拉圖終其一生都找不到他理想中的「Philosopher King」。

基於「人性是全然敗壞的」的事實,柏拉圖期待在人間找到他心中的「Philosopher King」來成為完美的掌權者,這是不可能的任務,因此柏拉圖《理想國》(The Republic)的構想在當時的希臘文化社會裡是不可行的方案。

柏拉圖在論述形而上學時,他將世界切割為智慧和感覺部分的二元論,這種「人本主義」的思維方式是來自於「分別善惡樹」(即知善惡書、代表謊言的智慧樹),而不是來自「生命樹」,這是因為柏拉圖不認識真神(Jehovah Is the Only True God, 1 King 16-19)與「Truth(Jesus is the truth)






唯有認識「Truth」與敬畏真神耶和華者,才會遵守「God’s Law」與認知「God’s Justice」,才能成為蘇格拉底與柏拉圖所幻想的理想國裡的掌權者。

但這樣理想的掌權者只在亞伯拉罕的子孫與基督福音文化裡才有可能出現,例如,雅各的第十一个兒子約瑟、合神心意的大衛王、耶穌等,但是他們不是柏拉圖所說的「Philosopher King」;他們是敬畏神者,他們知道用「Spirit」與「Truth」來敬拜神與敬畏神。

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.(John4:24)



柏拉圖在《The Republic》書中的語錄

1The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.



2I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

3The object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful.

4There is in every one of us, even those who seem to be most moderate, a type of desire that is terrible, wild, and lawless.

5The society we have described can never grow into a reality or see the light of day, and there will be no end to the troubles of states, or indeed, my dear Glaucon, of humanity itself, till philosophers become rulers in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands.

註:柏拉圖主張的理想世界,他認為只有透過「Philosopher King」才能成為事實;這種想法忽略了「人性在權力的面前,有可能會出現濫權與腐敗的情況」的命題。

6Excess of liberty, whether it lies in state or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery.

註:柏拉圖所認知的自由是來自人本主義的觀點,所以他反對「過多的自由」;柏拉圖的「liberty lies in individuals」概念裡沒有「Individual self government」與「Individual moral responsibility」的內涵。

7The philosopher whose dealings are with divine order himself acquires the characteristics of order and divinity.

註:柏拉圖不認識主耶和華與主耶穌,因此他無法了解「Holy spirit」的真正意義。

8And whenever any one informs us that he has found a man who knows all the arts, and all things else that anybody knows, and every single thing with a higher degree of accuracy than any other man –whoever tells us this, I think that we can only imagine him to be a simple creature who is likely to have been deceived by some wizard or actor whom he met, and whom he thought all-knowing, because he himself was unable to analyze the nature of knowledge and ignorance and imitation.

註:柏拉圖不認識主耶和華與主耶穌,因此他無法了解「Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.」的意義。

9Unless, said I, either philosophers become kings in our states or those whom we now call our kings and rulers take to the pursuit of philosophy seriously and adequately, and there is a conjunction of these two things, political power and philosophic intellgence, while the motley horde of the natures who at present pursue either apart from the other are compulsory excluded, there can be no cessation of troubles, dear Glaucon, for our states, nor, I fancy, for the human race either. (473d-e)

10Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophise, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils,... nor, I think, will the human race." (Republic 473c-d)

11Since then, as philosophers prove, appearance tyrannizes over truth and is lord of happiness, to appearance I must devote myself.

12Whereas, our argument shows that the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already; and that just as the eye was unable to turn from darkness to light without the whole body, so too the instrument of knowledge can only by the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being, and learn by degrees to endure the sight of being, and of the brightest and best of being, or in other words, of the good.

13The best is to do injustice without paying the penalty; the worst is to suffer it without being able to take revenge. Justice is a mean between these two extremes. People value it not because it is a good but because they are too weak to do injustice with impunity.

14The knowledge at which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal.


註:柏拉圖的「Justice」觀點是建立在「人本文化」上,因此是屬於「相對道德觀」,不是屬於「絕對道德觀」;聖經裡的十誡是絕對道德觀,凡是不接受十誡者會成為「相對道德觀」的擁護者,反對聖經者與支持聖經者,會成為「Relative morality vs absolute morality」的相對應範疇。

14For mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from committing it. And thus, as I have shown, Socrates, injustice, when on a sufficient scale, has more strength and freedom and mastery than justice; and, as I said at first, justice is the interest of the stronger, whereas injustice is a man's own profit and interest. 

15There is no one who ever acts honestly in the administration of states, nor any helper who will save any one who maintains the cause of the just.

16Since those who rule in the city do so because they own a lot, I suppose they're unwilling to enact laws to prevent young people who've had no discipline from spending and wasting their wealth, so that by making loans to them, secured by the young people's property, and then calling those loans in, they themselves become even richer and more honored.

18The inexperienced in wisdom and virtue, ever occupied with feasting and such, are carried downward, and there, as is fitting, they wander their whole life long, neither ever looking upward to the truth above them nor rising toward it, nor tasting pure and lasting pleasures. Like cattle, always looking downward with their heads bent toward the ground and the banquet tables, they feed, fatten, and fornicate. In order to increase their possessions they kick and butt with horns and hoofs of steel and kill each other, insatiable as they are.

18Hope,' he says, 'cherishes the soul of him who lives in justice and holiness, and is the nurse of his age and the companion of his journey;—hope which is mightiest to sway the restless soul of man.













Rule by law」,他認為真正的哲學王政治家不需要用法律來統治人民,但現實世界裡哲學王很少,即使真有哲學王也需要用法律來執政;必須有完善的法律才能夠避免政治體制的腐敗與墮落。



嚴格遵守法律的格言。在没有政治家的情况下,法律是最好的替代品。对此的辩护相当于法治的论据。然而,更准确地说,应该理解为强调法治是唯一真正的政府形式 - 政治家治的规则的第二最佳背离。








In which, if any, of these constitutions do we find the art of ruling being practiced in the actual government of men? What art is more difficult to learn? But what art is more important to us?


主曆前348年,柏拉图寫了《法律》(The laws),共12卷,是他晚年寫的作品,他在這書裡主張「Rule by law」,他認為「依據良法而進行統治是保障人類幸福的最好原則」、「良法是人而非神制定的成文法」、「法律的制定必須著重於美德與善」、「對守法者必須給予名譽,對違法者必須予以懲罰」、「國的官吏是法律的僕人」、「立法者制定每項法律的目的是獲得最大的善,而最大的善既不是對外戰爭也不是內戰,而是人們之間的和平與善意」、「法的平等就是法的正義,正義就是善」。

In the "Laws", probably Plato's last work and a work of enormous length and complexity, he concerned himself with designing a genuinely practicable (if admittedly not ideal) form of government, rather than with what a best possible state might be like. He discussed the empirical details of statecraft, fashioning rules to meet the multitude of contingencies that are apt to arise in the "real world" of human affairs, and it marks a rather grim and terrifying culmination of the totalitarian tendencies in his earlier political thought.


f. The Laws

In the Laws, Plato's last work, the philosopher returns once again to the question of how a society ought best to be organized. Unlike his earlier treatment in the Republic, however, the Laws appears to concern itself less with what a best possible state might be like, and much more squarely with the project of designing a genuinely practicable, if admittedly not ideal, form of government. The founders of the community sketched in the Laws concern themselves with the empirical details of statecraft, fashioning rules to meet the multitude of contingencies that are apt to arise in the "real world" of human affairs. A work enormous length and complexity, running some 345 Stephanus pages, the Laws was unfinished at the time of Plato's death. According to Diogenes Laertius (3.37), it was left written on wax tablets.

The Rule of Wisdom and the Rule of Law in Plato's Statesman

这主要是柏拉图受苏格拉底案件的影响,柏拉图是反对由陪审 团投票表决定案的民主方式的。


柏拉图提倡一个由理想化的哲学王统治的仁慈的君主制,他超越了法律。[9]然而,柏拉图希望最优秀的人善于尊重既定的法律,并解释说在法律受其他权威支配并且没有自己的权力的情况下,在我看来,国家的崩溃并不遥远;但是如果法律是政府的主人,而政府就是奴隶,那么情况就充满了希望,人们享受着众神在一个国家所沐浴的所有祝福。“[10]比柏拉图试图做的更多,亚里士多德断然反对让最高官员掌握权力,超越守卫和服务法律。[9]换句话说,亚里士多德倡导法治rule of law:

Plato and Aristotle both developed important ideas about government and politics. Two of the many political subjects that these men wrote about were tyranny and the rule of law. Tyranny occurs when absolute power is granted to a ruler. In a tyrannical government, the ruler becomes corrupt and uses his power to further his own interests instead of working for the common good.


The rule of law is the principle that no one is exempt from the law, even those who are in a position of power. The rule of law can serve as a safeguard against tyranny, because just laws ensure that rulers do not become corrupt.

罗马政治家西塞罗经常被引用,大致说:我们都是法律的仆人,以便获得自由。The Roman statesman Cicero is often cited as saying, roughly: "We are all servants of the laws in order to be free."

James Madison,(November 22, 1787. "The Federalist No. 10 - The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection (continued)"

Article IV Section 4, of the Constitution: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of government … "

James Madison, Federalist Papers No. 10: "Hence it is that democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general have been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths … A republic, by which I mean a government in which a scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking." 

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state.

 U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3, clause 1》:”Each state gets two senators so that heavily populated states can't drown out the interests of those with smaller populations.”

That's one of those safeguards against the "tyranny of the majority" our Founding Fathers saw fit to provide.





Tyranny and the Rule of Law  Plato and Aristotle both developed important ideas about government and politics. Two of the many political subjects that these men wrote about were tyranny and the rule of law. Tyranny occurs when absolute power is granted to a ruler. In a tyrannical government, the ruler becomes corrupt and uses his power to further his own interests instead of working for the common good.  The rule of law is the principle that no one is exempt from the law, even those who are in a position of power. The rule of law can serve as a safeguard against tyranny, because just laws ensure that rulers do not become corrupt.