
Hugo: “華文化”就是跪“暴力、威權與一言堂的文化”

在龍文化屎坑(華文化屎坑)裡,懸掛著“一言堂”的匾額 ,匾額下 ,龍之奴蛆對毛澤東蛆說,“我應該為人民服務還是為黨服務的?”;毛澤東蛆拿著槍桿子踩在超過八千萬人屍骨堆上說,“黨就是人民,人民就是黨,我就是黨代表,我說了算,你不知道嗎?”,毛澤東蛆說完了後,龍之奴蛆立即恐懼地跪倒在毛澤東蛆的膝前。

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish.》(Ps 146:3-4)、《For YOUR own sakes, hold off from the earthling man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for on what basis is he himself to be taken into account?》(Is 2:22)與《It is better to take refuge in Jehovah. Than to trust in earthling man. It is better to take refuge in Jehovah. Than to trust in nobles. All the nations themselves surrounded me. It was in the name of Jehovah that I kept holding them off. They surrounded me, yes, they had me surrounded. It was in the name of Jehovah that I kept holding them off. They surrounded me like bees; They were extinguished like a fire of thornbushes. It was in the name of Jehovah that I kept holding them off. You pushed me hard that I should fall, But Jehovah himself helped me. Jah is my shelter and [my] might, And to me he becomes salvation.》(Ps 118:8-14)歌。

2012-3-28 (Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)