
Hugo: “Trinity”不是《Bible》裡的概念

在傾倒的巴比倫城廢墟(Rev 18:1-24)裡,雀鳥對野地裏的百合花說,“《Mat 3:16-17》(After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God’s spirit coming upon him. Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.)是不是‘Trinity’存在的證明?”

野地裏的百合花說,“《Mat 3:16-17》是‘Trinity’並非事實的證明!在同一時間裡,‘Jesus Christ’與‘Jehovah God’並不在同一定點空間裡存在,因此‘Jesus Christ’並不是‘Jehovah God’,‘Son of God’並不是‘God’,你不相信‘Jehovah God’(Deu 6:4; Mat 3: 17)與‘Jesus Christ’(John 3:16)的話嗎?”

“再者,‘A dove God’s spirit’(不具有位格)並沒有具體的名,‘A dove God’s spirit’並不是‘Jehovah God’,也不是‘Jesus Christ’;《Mat 3:16-17》指出,在同一時間裡,‘Jehovah God’、‘Jesus Christ’與‘A dove God’s spirit’是在不同定點存在的三存有,不是嗎?”

“大淫婦所創造的‘Trinity’,這不就是大淫婦用來混淆‘Jehovah God’與‘Jesus Christ’關係的工具(第一謊言)?這不就是大淫婦用來在《Bible》裡抹去‘Jehovah God’(Exodus 33:20; Is 42:8; Is 43:11; Mat 6:9; Mat 24:36; John 17:3; John 20:31; John 1:18; Acts 7:55-56)的名(用Lord 來取代的‘Jehovah God’的名)的工具(第二謊言)?這不就是大淫婦用‘Jesus Christ’的人的偶像來偶像化‘Jehovah God’的工具(第三謊言)?這不就是大淫婦用來建立‘Mary is Mother of God’謊言的工具(第四謊言)?這不就是大淫婦用‘Holy Ghost’(Ghost就是Demonic Ghost,就是Satan,Ghost是有具體的名與位格者)來取代‘Holy Spirit’(Acts 2:4)的原因(第五謊言)?”

“大淫婦所創造的‘Trinity’,源於‘巴比倫的三一神’(Triad of Ishtar, Sin, Shamash) ,源於‘埃及的三一神’(Triad of Horus, Osiris, Isis),源於‘古希臘三合一神’(Triad of Zeus-king of the gods, Athena-goddess of war and intellect, Apollo-god of the sun, culture and music),源於‘柏拉圖的三一論’(The Platonic trinity),它是4世紀後羅馬統治者(Roman Emperor Constantine I, Roman Emperor Theodosius I, The Nicene Creed, Aurelius Augustine, The 1st Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D, The First Council of Constantinople in 381A.D.)編造出來的謊言,它是4世紀後羅馬統治者的工具(為滿足那些喜愛拜偶像的Christendom的理論),它是4世紀後才出現的‘酵’(Mat 16:6),不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《Jehovah God said:You are not able to see my face, because no man may see me and yet live.》(Exodus 33:20)與《I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.》(Is 42:8)歌。

2012-3-19(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)