
Hugo: 四朵美麗的茉莉花




野火說,自古以來,這牢籠裏不斷有殺嬰、賣嬰、送嬰、棄嬰行為;這牢籠裏不接受‘Light’(Matt 24:14; Matt 28:18-20; John 8:12; John 1:4; 1 John 5:1; 1 John 2:8; Exo 19:18)‘Truth’(John 14:6; John 8:32; John 6:35; Mat 24: 35; Gen 1:28; John 6:35-40; John 6:48–58),不接受‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’(Christian civilization; Common values)信仰,不接受‘Every single person is a temple of God, sacred, made in the image and likeness of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in this person’(Gen 1:27)信念,不接受‘Individual dignity, faith, hope, love, justice, freedom, free will, life and rights’‘Respect for individual dignity, faith, hope, love, justice, freedom, free will, life and rights’信念,只有‘Darkness, evils, wickedness, covetousness, cruelty, evil Spirit, Sins’,不是嗎?

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《God created mankind in his own image》歌,“God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”( Gen 1:27)

2013-2-10(Hugo Liberalitashttp://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)