
Hugo: 尋找耶和華的密碼─我所使用的21防癌與治癌處方

1, Lemon juice檸檬汁

2, pure aloe vera juice蘆薈汁

3, Soursop(Annona muricata,Graviola)番荔枝

4, Turmeric(Curcumin)薑黃

5, Siraitia grosvenori羅漢果

6, Green papaya powder青木瓜粉

7, Noni juice諾麗果汁

8, Propolis蜂膠

9, Acai juice巴西莓果汁

10, Ganoderma lucidum 靈芝

11, Pomegranate juice紅石榴汁

12, Kiwi奇異果

13, Garlic, Green Oniona, Onion, Ginge大蒜、蔥、洋蔥、薑

14, “Fungus, Red dates and Ginger” soup─ “黑木耳+ 紅棗+薑”湯

15, “Astragalus +Goji + Red dates” soup─ “黃耆+枸杞+紅棗”湯

16, Natural mineral water自然優質礦泉水

17, Natural fresh air with negative ions(the vitamin in the air)

18, Enough mind and body exercise, Stretching for Everyday

19, Get 20 minutes of sunshine every day

20, Study the Bible and Keep a happy, joyful and peaceful mind

21, Get enough and good sleep every day