
Hugo: “大中國沙文主義”的首號“敵對者”

在黑暗的龍文化(華文化,漢文化,儒道佛文化,謊言文化,暴力文化,專制文化,人奴文化,蛇文化,撒但文化)門裡,大紅龍(Gen 3:1 ; John 8:44; Rev 12:9; Rev 20:2)拿著“大中國沙文主義”旗子對大淫婦(Rev 18:1-24)說,“這旗子宣揚的是‘中國’、‘中國人’、‘中國哲學’、‘中國歷史’、‘中國歷代版圖’、‘中華’、‘中華民族’、‘中華文化’、‘中華語文’、‘華夷之辨與華優夷賤’、‘中華帝國’、‘大中華沙文主義’、‘華夏沙文主義’、‘大漢沙文主義’等謊言,這旗子推銷的是‘國民、國人、國族、國權、國有、國產、國奴’與‘天下為公、大公無私、公安、公僕、公民、公人、公娼、公物、公糧、公款、公房、公社、公廁、公法、公家、公墓、公論、公德、公有制、公(共)產、公共知識份子’等偽概念,你猜這旗子的首號敵對者是啥呢?”

大淫婦說,“這旗子的首號敵對者就是‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’(Christian civilization)!‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’(Christian civilization)是‘Light’(Matt 24:14; Matt 28:18-20; John 8:12; John 1:4; 1 John 5:1; 1 John 2:8; Exo 19:18)與‘Truth’(John 14:6; John 8:32; John 6:35; Mat 24: 35; Gen 1:28; John 6:35-40; John 6:48–58)等的本體,是‘Absolute moral、Absolute truth、Absolute beauty、Absolute good’等的本體,是《The Mayflower Compact》(1620), 《The Virginia Declaration of Rights》(1776), 《United States Declaration of Independence》(July 4, 1776),《The Articles of Confederation》(1781), 《The Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty》(1786),《The United States Constitution》(1789), 《The Amendments to the United States Constitution》等文件的母體,是‘A New Creation’(2 Cor 5:17-21)、‘Human dignity and human rights are God-given’(All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God; Individual dignity and individual rights come from God, not from government)、‘An individual/Freeman’、‘Spirit of Liberty’(2 Cor 3:17; John 18:36; James 4:4)、‘Individual spiritual virtues and values(Individual consciousness, dignity, integrity, independence, confidence, love, justice, liberty, moral responsibility, free will, creativity, joy, happiness, peace and Individual rights)’、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’、‘Constitutional Republic and Tripartite Separation of Powers(Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)’等信念的母體,是創造‘John Locke, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Henry David Thoreau, John Calvin Coolidge, George Mason, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Andrew William Mellon,Friedrich August von Hayek, Frank Hyneman Knight, Milton Friedman, Margaret Hilda Thatcher and Ronald Reagan’等人的母體,不是嗎?”

2012-5-2(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)