
Hugo: 徹底地摧毀中華大糞坑文化

在中華大糞坑裡,有十幾億全身沾染病毒的蛆正在跳糞與吶喊,吶喊聲此起彼落,它們各自吶喊著,“我要革命!”、“我要改良!”、“我要權力!”、“我要權利!”、“我要利益!”、“我要名位!”、“我崇拜毛澤東!”、我要當台灣總統!”、我要當特首!”、“我要當貪官!”、“我要殺貪官!” 、“我要騙人!” 、“我要鬥爭!”、“我要上訪!”、“我要維權!”、“我要當糞青!”、“我要當愛國者!”、“我要打醬油!”、“我要做俯臥撐!”、“我要躲猫猫!”、“我要草泥馬!”、“我要臥槽泥馬!”、“我要河蟹!”、“我要當范跑跑!”、“我要開胸驗肺!”、“我很囧!”、“我搞山寨!”、“我要當周老虎!” 、“我被自殺了!”、“我不差錢!”、“我要非法獻花!”、“我會顛簸復活術!”、“我很傻很天真!”、“我信春哥,我得永生!”、“我被欺實馬了!”、“我要高GDP!”、“我要統一!”、“我要當新唐人!”、“我要開孔子學院!”、“我要弘揚中華文化!”、“我要祖國富強!”、“我要台獨!”、“我要藏獨!”、“我要疆獨!”、“我要滿獨!”、“我要平反六四!”、“我要參加冤民大同盟!”、“我不要吃有毒食品!”、“阿Q,你媽媽喊你回家吃飯!”、“我來生不做中國人!”、“我要移民!”

螢火蟲氣憤地,“經上說,‘He who carries on sin originates with the Devil, because the Devil has been sinning from [the] beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, namely, to break up the works of the Devil. Everyone who has been born from God does not carry on sin, because His [reproductive] seed remains in such one, and he cannot practice sin, because he has been born from God. The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother.’(1 John 3:8-10)與‘We know that every [person] that has been born from God does not practice sin, but the One born from God watches him, and the wicked one does not fasten his hold on him.’(1 John 5:18)。這群蛆(John 8:44; Rev 12:9 )總是只會跳糞與抱怨,卻不願意承認自己是魔鬼的兒女,卻不願意向耶和華認罪與懺悔,卻不願意接受‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’的信仰,卻不願意用‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’的信仰來徹底地摧毀中華大糞坑文化,不是嗎?”

2010-4-12(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)