
Hugo: “毛澤東掌權”是東亞大陸人“崇拜暴力、權力與殺人英雄”的結果


天空中的飛鳥望著坑裡的蛇說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘Look! The hand of Jehovah has not become too short that it cannot save, nor has his ear become too heavy that it cannot hear. No, but the very errors of YOU people have become the things causing division between YOU and YOUR God, and YOUR own sins have caused the concealing of [his] face from YOU to keep from hearing. For YOUR own palms have become polluted with blood, and YOUR fingers with error. YOUR own lips have spoken falsehood. YOUR own tongue kept muttering sheer unrighteousness.’(Isa 59:1-3),這些拜‘中華文化’與‘毛像’偶像者,如何能獲得耶和華的拯救呢?”

2011-6-6(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)