
Hugo: The offering of the body of Jesus Christ

在黎明時,烏鴉對螢火蟲說,“主耶穌基督臨死(as an offering, Rom 3:25)前說,‘E´li, E´li, la´ma sa•bach•tha´ni? (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?)’(Mat 27:46),主耶穌基督(as an offering, Rom 3:25)是否在提醒‘Faithful and discreet slave’(24:45-47; Rev 1:1)閱讀‘Ps 22:1’與‘Ps 22:1-31’?主耶穌基督(as an offering, Rom 3:25)是否也在提醒‘Faithful and discreet slave’(24:45-47; Rev 1:1)認知迎接‘Jehovah's kingdom’不是倚靠‘人的刀’(Ps 22:20)而要完全倚靠‘耶和華的火’(Ps 21:1-10)?”

螢火蟲說,“除此之外,主耶穌基督(as an offering, Rom 3:25)也在提醒‘Faithful and discreet slave’(24:45-47; Rev 1:1)應當認真地傳揚‘耶和華的名’(Ps 22:22; John 17:6; Mat 6:9; Rom 10:13)與‘Jehovah's righteousness’(Ps 22:31; Ps 37:28; John 13:34-35; Mat 5:17),不是嗎?”

2010-12-21(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)