
Hugo: 五四運動的貧困與非人性格局



“豬奴不談Absolute moral(Moral Legalization and Law Moralization)、Love(Love your neighbor as yourself 、Love your enemy as yourself、Love each other as Jesus has loved you)、Righteousness、Justice、Spiritual Values、Sacred Values、Individual person、Individualism、Liberalism、All man are created equal、 All man have natural human rights、Self-respect、Self-dignity、Self-control、Self-government、Self-responsibility、Self-defense、Self-directed morals、Self-enforced orientation、Self-joy、Self-happiness、Spirit of Liberty、Freeman、Free will and moral responsibility、Free will and moral choice、The rule of law、All power from the people、Limited power of the government、Human rights take precedence over sovereignty、People have the right to self-determination、Independent State,只談德先生、賽先生、社會主義、自由主義、反傳統,那不就會迎來馬克斯嗎?”

“豬奴不談廢除‘漢文化、漢傳統、漢意識、漢文字、漢語言’ 與‘全盤英文語文化’( The English language shall be the official language of all Independent States and the United States of Asia),只談新文化運動、新文學革命、白話文運動,不就會迎來更多‘虛無、崇古、中庸、相對主義、相對道德、空觀、無靈魂、無邏輯、無抽象思考力、文辭浮誇、玩弄文字遊戲、魔鬼獸、宦奴娼等文化’的糞嗎?”

“豬奴不談‘Fight for human rights , liberty, justice, and freedom’、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’、‘The three-power Constitution is basic on a government of separated institutions sharing power, including the executive power、the legislative power、the judiciary power’、‘-- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’(Abraham Lincoln) 與‘全盤耶穌基督化、全盤美國精神化、全盤Liberalization (Cultural Liberalization、Economic Liberalization、Political Liberalization、Educational Liberalization,Laissez-faire Capitalism、Limited Government、Positive Non-interventionism、Minarchism、Night Watchman State、Voluntary Society、Flat tax and low tax policy)、全盤美國憲政化(American Constitutionalism)’,只談富國強兵,不就會迎來更多‘獨裁、專制、集體主義、種族沙文主義、黨國政治、魔鬼獸、宦奴娼、權謀詭詐、假大空、坑矇拐騙、暴力、謊言、鬥爭、奪權、戰爭與苦難’的糞嗎?”


2009-5-2(Hugo Liberalitas:http:/ blog.roodo.com/hugoliu1)