
Hugo: The song of Individual freedom and freeman

在漢文化的豬大糞坑外,某螢火蟲對豬大糞坑內的一群充滿種族集體主義意識的閹豬奴彈琴與唱歌;某閹豬奴自以為是地對螢火蟲說,“你彈的The song of Individual freedom and freeman琴我豬聽不懂,你唱的The song of Individual freedom and freeman歌我豬也聽不懂,你可不可以彈唱一些我豬聽得懂與喜歡的歌呢?”

大糞坑外的螢火蟲氣憤地說,“You as being one of Eunuslawhore’s pigs, you aren’t be able to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior nor the Glory of Jesus Christ in the Gospel.”

“Therefore you don’t have the sense of understanding the meanings of ‘Spiritual values, Sacred values, Individualism, Liberalism, Individual morality, Individual love, Individual justice, Individual liberty, Individual dignity, Individual independence, Individual self-control, Individual self-government, Individual moral responsibility, Individual Moral direction, Individual moral obligations, Individual moral judgment ,Individual spirit and mind, Individual recognition, Individual differences and personality, Individual orientation in education, Individual--society, Individual heroism, Individual quality of life, Individual equality, Individual freedom, Individual human rights’.”

“Therefore you don’t want to listen the song of Individual freedom and freeman. Therefore you don’t believe that one man can change the world.”

2009-5-24(Hugo Liberalitas:http:/ blog.roodo.com/hugoliu1)