

『十誡』,是人類唯一的絕對正義的標準。它的前四誡,就是耶穌基督所說的『You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.』,就是完完全全地敬畏God與順服God;它的後六誡,就是耶穌基督所說的『Love your neighbor as yourself』與『Love your enemy』,就是耶穌基督所傳揚的『愛的福音』!

沒有『十誡』的信仰,人類就不可能有絕對相信『唯一造物主』的意識,人類就不可能有絕對相信『Absolute moral、 Absolute truth、Absolute beauty、Absolute good』的意識,人類就不可能有絕對相信『The truth will make you free』(John 8:31-32 :Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.)的人,人類就不可能有『寧可在羅馬百花廣場(Campo de' Fiori)的火刑柱上被燒死,也要堅持真理』的布魯諾(Giordano Bruno),人類就不可能有現代的『Freedom and Freeman』、『Spirit of Liberty』、『Moral individualism and Moral liberalism』等理念與現代的『科學』!


沒有『十誡』信仰的社會,其『文明與道德』將永遠無法自發地產生出『Absolute moral、Absolute truth、Absolute beauty、Absolute good、Holy spirit、Spiritual soul、All man are created equal、Moral individualism and Moral liberalism、Individual freedom、Freeman、Christian Freedom、Love your neighbor as yourself、Love your enemy as yourself、Only Truth can set us free、Constitutional democracy、All power from the people、Human rights transcend sovereignty、Rule of law、Citizens are not subordinate to the government、Civil rights and civil law、All man have natural human rights、Economic Liberalization、Political Liberalization、 Educational Liberalization、Laissez-faire Economy、Laissez-faire Education、Separation of the three powers (administrative, legislative and judicial) of American Constitutionalism、Independent State、Constitutional federalism and political federalism、Minarchism and Minimal statism、Positive non-interventionism、Limited power of the government、Protecting private property rights and land privatization、Freedom of speech and press、Enforced the nationalization of the armed forces、People have full political right to establish a Nation and Constitution、People have full political right of Autonomy、Everyone has the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness』等價值理念!




