

在東亞的黑暗世界裡,有一撒旦設計與製造的"吃人的臭皮囊",囊裡有"薩滿教、佛教、儒教、馬列教(無神論教)、道教、伊斯蘭教、神道教"等七污鬼,這七污鬼一直在合唱《No respect for individual dignity, free will, life and Rights》歌。 這歌又名《Fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil》(Genesis 2:16-17),又名《拜偶像之歌》(Exodus 20:1-5),又名《反普世價值(Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel; Christian civilization; common values; individual morality, honor and integrity; all man are created equel)之歌》,又名《大淫婦之歌》Revelation 18:1-24),又名《巴別塔之歌》(Genesis 11:1-9),又名《撒旦教之歌》(John 8:44),又名《蛇的後裔之歌》(Genesis 3:14-15)。 這歌的本質就是《巴別(混淆)之歌》(Genesis 3:1)、《謊言之歌》(John 8:32)、《專制之歌》(Ecclesiastes 8:9)、《苦難之歌》(John 8:34)、《死亡之歌》(Romans 6:23);凡選擇唱這歌者,都必須接受"耶和華的懲罰"(Isaiah 42:8; Genesis 2:17; Proverbs 6:16-19; Psalm 37:10-20)(Punishment of sin; punishments for the 7 deadly sins)。 黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《Jehovah’s ten commandments》歌,“Jesus said: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”(Matthew 22:37–40) 2014-8-23(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)