
Hugo: 龍文化所生出來的三大貪腐集團

在黑暗的龍文化門裡,大紅龍生出了三窩蛇,它們就是著名的“共產黨”、“國民黨”、“民進黨”等三大集團蛇;野火望著三蛇窩對小草說, “為啥‘共產黨、國民黨、民進黨’又被稱為‘三大貪腐集團’呢?”

小草說, “這三黨都是龍文化所製造出來的吃人機器,它們相信‘儒教’(撒但教),所以它們根本地拒絕‘Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel’(Christian civilization,普世價值與文化);它們相信‘儒教所宣揚的種族與血源等集體意識’(謊言),所以它們根本沒有真正的‘Individual spirit and mind’與‘Individual dignity, integrity, honor, independence, love, justice, liberty, self-control, self-government, morality, moral responsibility, moral direction, moral obligations, moral judgment’意識;它們相信‘儒教’的‘王道’(專制)、‘仁政’(專制)、‘德治’(人治)、‘聖王之教’(禮教)、‘人之初,性本善’(否認Original sin)、‘三諱’、‘忠君孝上’等謊言,所以它們根本地拒絕‘All men and women are created in God's image’、‘All man are created equal’、‘Government is a servant of the citizen, the citizen is not a servant of the government’、‘Limit government’(Minarchism, Minimal statism, Small)、真正的‘廉政公署’(ICAC, Independent Commission Against Corruption)、真正的‘陽光法案’、‘財產來源不明罪’、‘Constitutional Republic’與Tripartite Separation of Powers(Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers)’等信念;它們根本是龍文化所生出來的蛇(Gen 3:15),它們根本是說謊者(John 8:44),它們根本是撒但之奴(Matt 4:8-9),它們根本是龍文化所製造出來的貪腐垃圾(1 John 2:15),它們根本是貪腐收賄機與行賄機(Matt 6:24),它能不製造貪腐嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.》(1 John 2:15-17)與《No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. YOU cannot slave for God and for Riches.》(Matt 6:24)等歌。

2012-7-3(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)