
Hugo: 那撒但用來“支持殺人黨政權合法性”的大旗


黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《But you, O Jehovah, O do not keep far off. O you my strength, do make haste to my assistance. Do deliver from the sword my soul, My only one from the very paw of the dog; Save me from the mouth of the lion, And from the horns of wild bulls you must answer [and save] me. I will declare your name to my brothers; In the middle of the congregation I shall praise you. YOU fearers of Jehovah, praise him! All YOU the seed of Jacob, glorify him! And be frightened at him, all YOU the seed of Israel. For he has neither despised. Nor loathed the affliction of the afflicted one; And he has not concealed his face from him, And when he cried to him for help he heard. From you my praise will be in the large congregation; My vows I shall pay in front of those fearing him. The meek ones will eat and be satisfied; Those seeking him will praise Jehovah. May YOUR hearts live forever. All the ends of the earth will remember and turn back to Jehovah. And all the families of the nations will bow down before you. For the kingship belongs to Jehovah, And he is dominating the nations.》(Ps 22:19-28)歌。

2012-5-5(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)