
Hugo: 所謂的“中國人”的 DNA

在中華文化的大糞坑裡(Acts 2:40; Matt 12:39; Matt 17:17; Luke 9:41; Luke 11:29),有兩蛆戴著“中國人”帽子的蛇的正在邊吃糞邊談話,毛澤東蛇對孔丘蛇說,“我喜歡看《英雄》的電影,因為《英雄》的電影裡有許多大英雄,不是嗎?”;孔丘蛇說,我喜歡看《讓子彈飛》的電影,因為它是出一部痛快淋漓與精彩的黑色喜劇,不是嗎?”

天空中的飛鳥說,“主耶穌基督說,‘YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].’(John 8:44),這些撒但苗裔(Gen 3:15)竟然將‘殺人者當作大英雄’,這些撒但苗裔竟然將‘殺人活動當作黑色喜劇’,這些撒但苗裔夠邪惡(Evil)了,這些撒但苗裔夠嗜血了,不是嗎?”

2011-7-2(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)