
Hugo: 孔學的本質

在中華文化大糞坑裡,有兩戴著“中國人”帽子的蛆(John 8:44)在談話,孔夫子蛆對孔老二蛆說,“所謂的‘孔學’就是‘無孔不入地鑽求名利權位與榮華富貴之學’;你看,我有兩個孔,一個孔吃屎,一個孔拉屎,沒有人分得清楚我的這兩個孔,不是嗎?”


天空中飛翔的蝴蝶說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘God himself will show us favor and bless us; He will make his face shine upon us—Se´lah— That your way may be known in the earth, Your salvation even among all the nations. Let peoples laud you, O God; Let the peoples, all of them, laud you. Let national groups rejoice and cry out joyfully, For you will judge the peoples with uprightness; And as for national groups, on the earth you will lead them. Se´lah. Let peoples laud you, O God; Let peoples, all of them, laud you. The earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us. God will bless us, And all the ends of the earth will fear him.’(Ps 67:1-7),這些崇拜孔學者何時才能認知這經文呢?”

2011-5-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)