
Hugo: “群體主義”的謊言並不是“殺人與犯罪者的避難所”

在撒但廟裏,有一群吃人的紅色蛇正在發表謬論, A蛇說,“我黨搞‘兩彈一星’,那麼我‘共產黨政權’就等於‘中國的富國強兵’了,那麼我‘共產黨政權’就等於‘中國’了,那我黨的殺人與犯罪行為就可以用‘中國富國強兵了’一筆抹去了,不是嗎?”




大糞坑外,烏鴉望著被撒但綑綁的十幾億東亞大陸人奴氣憤地說,“主耶穌基督說,‘YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.’(John 8:32);經上說,‘Now Jehovah is the Spirit; and where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom.’(2 Corinthians 3:17),如果沒有‘Jehovah's Spirit and Jesus' gospel’(Is 42:8; Mt 22:36-40; Exo 20:2-17; Deu 5:6-21; Mt 4:10),這些被綑綁奴如何能了解‘All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God’(Gen 1:26)、‘Spirit of Liberty’(2 Cor 3:17; John 18:36; James 4:4)、‘Freeman’(1 John 2:15; John 17:9; 1 Cor 2:12-16; 1 Cor 6:19-20; Exo 8:20; Exo 9:1; John 8:32; Ephesians 2:4-7; Galatians 2:20; John 3:3-6; John 14:20-21; John 14:23-24; John 15:4-6; John 15:18-21; John 17:11; John 17:12-18)、‘Individual self-faith, self-esteem, self-respect, self-integrity, self-dignity, self-morality, self-honor, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-discipline, self-control, self-management, self-government, self- responsibility, self-directed morals’(Gen 1:26; Acts 24:25; 1 Tim. 3:2-3; 2 Pet. 2:19; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12; 1 John 2:16; Mark 7:14-23; Gal. 5:19-21; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; Eph. 6:10-18; Col. 2:20-23; Titus 1:8; Gen 2:7)、‘Spiritual values of individual life’(1 Cor 2:14-16; 2 Cor 4:3-4)、‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’、‘Where Liberty dwells, there is my country’(Ps 91:9; John 8:12; John 14:2,6,23; John 17:11-19; Luke 12:31-32)等價值信念?”

2010-10-7(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)