
Hugo: 孔子殺少正卯、焚書坑儒與六四大屠殺


從龍口跑出來的江青蛙也過來大聲地說道,“我搞六四大屠殺,殺了3千7百多人(《Tennessee Tribune》的社論引述國際紅十字會的估計說﹕六四之夜,至少有3千7百人死亡。),從此堵死了東亞大陸人的言論自由,這算不算是污穢的靈殺少正卯?”

螢火蟲氣憤地說,“經上說,‘Everyone who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, and so sin is lawlessness.’(1 John 3:4)與‘He who carries on sin originates with the Devil, because the Devil has been sinning from [the] beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, namely, to break up the works of the Devil.’(1 John 3:8),這些不肯接受Jehovah's Commmandments(《Ten Commandments》) 的罪犯,這些不肯接受主耶穌基督愛的福音的邪靈,這些屬撒旦的殺人者,應該如何面對自己的殺人罪呢?”

2010-2-1(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)