
Hugo: 甲骨文裏的“群體主義”與“種族主義”魔咒


撒但說,“‘甲骨文’與‘由甲骨文演化出來的漢文字’,就是我罩住東亞大陸人雙眼的‘Veils’(2 Cor 4:3-4; 1 Cor 2:14-16; 2 Cor 3:13-16; Mt 13:10-15),就是我用來摧毀東亞大陸人的‘An individual/Freeman’(2 Cor 5:17-21; 1 Cor 7:22-23; 1 Cor 2:12; 1 Cor 6:19-20; Exo 8:20; Exo 9:1; John 8:32)與‘Individual love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control’(Galatians 5:22)意識的工具,就是我用來建立東亞大陸獨裁與專制文化(吃人的禮教,三綱五常,人的等級制與等級制特權制,家長制,一言堂)的工具,就是我用來建立中華大一統專制帝國政權(撒但帝國政權)的工具,不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.》(2 Co 4:3-4)與《But a physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know [them], because they are examined spiritually.However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things, but he himself is not examined by any man.For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, that he may instruct him?” But we do have the mind of Christ.》(1 Cor 2:14-16)歌。

2012-9-10(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)