
Hugo: 大一統的洗腦教育


接著,桶裡的蛇又喊了另一口號,“國家就是中國,民族就是中華民族,領袖就是大紅龍,大一統理想就是大紅龍的謊言,主義就是大紅龍的屁話,責任就是服從大紅龍的命令,榮譽就是爭取大紅龍的表揚,我願意犧牲就是我願意接受洗腦與選擇自我滅亡(Romans 6:23)!”

小草說,“所謂的中國、中華民族、大一統、主義、領袖等謊言都是大紅龍用來洗奴腦的材料,都是大紅龍用來強化奴踐踏自我‘Individual dignity, integrity, independence, faith, love, hope, justice, freewill, liberty, creativity, joy, happiness, peace and life’的材料,都是大紅龍用來強化奴踐踏他人‘Individual dignity, integrity, independence, faith, love, hope, justice, freewill, liberty, creativity, joy, happiness, peace and life’的材料,都是大紅龍用來強化奴群體意識的材料,都是大紅龍用來強化奴放棄‘Individual/ Freeman’意識的材料,都是大紅龍用來強化奴意識的材料,都是大紅龍用來邪惡化奴的材料,不是嗎?”

黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《For such freedom Christ set us free. Therefore stand fast, and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery.》(Galatians 5:1)、《Therefore if the Son sets YOU free, YOU will be actually free.》(John 8:36)、《YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.》(John 8:32)、《YOU were, of course, called for freedom, brothers; only do not use this freedom as an inducement for the flesh, but through love slave for one another.》(Galatians 5:13)與《Be as free people, and yet holding YOUR freedom, not as a blind for badness, but as slaves of God.》(1 Peter 2:16) 歌。

2012-9-1 (Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)