
Hugo: 無神論是人類專制與奴隸文化的基礎

在撒但教的教堂(The Temple of Satan)裡,女媧蛇微笑地對撒但說,“我把《The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America》(JULY 4, 1776) 裡的‘all men are created equal’(人是被創造平等的)翻譯成‘人人生而平等’,如此我就可以把‘Jehovah created man and woman’(Gen 2:7, 22)與‘Jehovah created man to his own image’(Gen 1:26)裡的‘Jehovah’偷走了,那麼我就可以用‘人的權威’來取代‘Jehovah’的權威,那麼我就可以實行‘人的專制’與‘奴役人類’了,不是嗎?”

撒但微笑地說,“自有人類的歷史以來,蛇不都是用無神論(Atheism,指否定‘Jehovah’存在的真理)的謊言來取代‘Jehovah’存在的真理?蛇不都是用無神論(例如,拒絕‘Where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom’的真理; 2 Corinthians 3:17)的謊言來剝奪人的‘Freedom’(Ro 8:21; 2 Co 3:17)?蛇不都是用無神論(例如,否定‘Jehovah's Steadfast Love and Righteousness’的真理; Psalms 109:21; Psalms 112:4)的謊言來實行‘人的專制’與‘奴役人類’嗎?”

撒但教的教堂外,螢火蟲氣憤地說,“經上說,‘But as for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. In the Sovereign Lord Jehovah I have placed my refuge, To declare all your works.’(Ps 73:28)與‘Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.’(Pro 27:11),人類只能在‘Jehovah's slave’與‘Satan's slave’(Ro 1:28-32; Ro 3:10-18)之中選擇一者,人類只能在‘Freedom’(John 8:32; Jas 1:25)與‘人奴’(Mt 6:24; Ro 6:16; Ro 5:12-20)之中選擇一者,人類只能在‘Truth’(John 4:24; John14:6)與‘謊言’(John 8:44; Heb 6:18)之中選擇一者,人類只能在‘Light’(John 1:9)與‘Darkness’(John 1:5)之中選擇一者,不是嗎?”

2010-3-3(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)