
Hugo: 龍文化與龍文字的詛咒─男人屈身,女人下跪



黎明時,天空中的飛鳥唱著《Show me favor, O Jehovah; see my affliction by those hating me, O you who are lifting me up from the gates of death, In order that I may declare all your praiseworthy deeds. In the gates of the daughter of Zion, That I may be joyful in your salvation. The nations have sunk down into the pit that they have made; In the net that they hid, their own foot has been caught. Jehovah is known by the judgment that he has executed. By the activity of his own hands the wicked one has been ensnared. Wicked people will turn back to She´ol, Even all the nations forgetting God. For not always will the poor one be forgotten, Nor will the hope of the meek ones ever perish. Do arise, O Jehovah! Let not mortal man prove superior in strength. Let the nations be judged before your face. Do put fear into them, O Jehovah, That the nations may know that they are but mortal men.》(Ps 9:13-20)歌。

2011-12-2(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)