
Hugo: 撒但所創造的“中華文化”才是東亞所有腐敗的源頭


天空中的飛鳥望著坑裡的蛆說,“《Holy Bible》說,‘Collect yourselves and come. Bring yourselves up close together, YOU escapees from the nations. Those carrying the wood of their carved image have not come to any knowledge, neither have those praying to a god that cannot save. Make YOUR report and YOUR presentation. Yes, let them consult together in unity. Who has caused this to be heard from a long time ago? [Who] has reported it from that very time? Is it not I, Jehovah, besides whom there is no other God; a righteous God and a Savior, there being none excepting me?’(Isa 45:20-21),你這拜‘中華文化’偶像者,如何能了解‘中華文化’才是東亞所有腐敗的源頭?那毛澤東與擁護毛澤東者,不都是‘中華文化’所生出來的腐敗?那反毛澤東者,不都是被‘中華文化’所生出來的腐敗殺了?現在東亞大陸的存活者,不都是‘中華文化’所生出來的腐敗的苗裔?現在東亞大陸那些貪腐者、賣有毒食品與商品者、賣偽劣假貨者、說謊者、坑矇拐騙造假者,不都是‘中華文化’所生出來的腐敗的苗裔?你若不拋棄‘中華文化’偶像而接受‘Christian Civilization’(Jehovah's commandments and Jesus' gospel),那麼你如何能獲得耶和華的拯救呢?”

天空中的飛鳥唱著《The Futility of Idols》(Isa 41:21-29) 與《A Hymn of Praise》(Isa 42:10-13)之歌後飛走了。

2011-6-6(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)