
Hugo: “Ayn Rand”的貧困

在黑暗的世界裡,大淫婦對天空中的飛鳥說,“你認為‘Ayn Rand ’的貧困在那裡?”

天空中的飛鳥說,“主耶穌基督說,‘I am the light of the world. He that follows me will by no means walk in darkness, but will possess the light of life.’(John 8:12)與‘YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.’(John 8:32),‘Ayn Rand’能看得見一些‘Light’與‘Truth’而卻不知道‘Light’與‘Truth’的來源,這不就是‘Ayn Rand’的貧困(Isa 42:18-20; 2 Cor 4:3-4; 1 Cor 2:14-16; 2 Cor 3:13-16; Mt 13:10-15)嗎?你要專心倚靠耶和華,不要倚靠人的聰明(Pro 3:5),不是嗎?”

2011-6-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)

Ps, A Battle for the Soul of America(Posted on May 11, 2011 by oteaynrandvsjesus)( http://aynrandvsjesus.com/2011/05/11/hello-world/):

Ayn Rand on why the Christian Message is “Monstrous” and Christ’s Teachings are “Evil”

Mike Wallace: “You are out to destroy almost every edifice of the contemporary American way of life, our Judeo-Christian religion, our modified government regulated capitalism, our rule by majority will. Other reviews have said you scorn churches and the concept of God. Are these accurate criticisms?” Rand: “Yes.”

Wallace: “You say you don’t like the kind of altruism by which we live. You like a certain kind of Ayn Randist selfishness.” Rand: “ ‘Don’t like’ is too weak a word, I consider it evil.” (Luke 6:27-30)

Rand: “According to the Christian mythology, [Christ] died on the cross not for his own sins but for the sins of the non-ideal people. In other words, a man of perfect virtue was sacrificed for men who are vicious and who are expected or supposed to accept that sacrifice. If I were a Christian, nothing could make me more indignant than that: the notion of sacrificing the ideal to the non-ideal, or virtue to vice. And it is in the name of that symbol that men are asked to sacrifice themselves for their inferiors. That is precisely how the symbolism is used. That is torture. ” (John 3:16-21)

Rand: “If you take Jesus Christ as the example of the ideal human being, and that is properly the view of Christians, what do you do with your ideal human being? You put him on the cross. You torture him and murder him for the sake of those who are less virtuous . . . I think that is a monstrous idea.” (John 3:16; John 10:11)

Ayn Rand on Why One Must Choose Between Following Her or Following God

Rand: “It must be either reason or faith. I am against God for the reason that I don’t want to destroy reason.” (Rom 8:31)

Rand: “I am the creator of a new code of morality, which so far has been believed impossible, a morality not based on faith, not on arbitrary whim, not on emotion, not on arbitrary edict, mystical or social, but on reason.” (Matthew 7:15-16)

Rand: “[Faith] is a sign of a psychological weakness. . . I regard it as evil to place your emotions, your desire, above the evidence of what your mind knows. That’s what you’re doing with the idea of God.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Rand: “If I had to choose between faith and reason, I wouldn’t consider the choice even conceivable. As a human being, one chooses reason.”

Donahue: “You have to allow that you’re not smart enough to know there isn’t a God.” Rand: “Yes I am and everybody here is smart enough. It doesn’t take much intelligence.” (Romans 1:18-23)
Rand: “I am challenging the base of all these institutions, I am challenging the moral code of altruism, the precept that man’s moral duty is to live for others, that man must sacrifice to others . . . since I’m challenging the base, I’m necessarily challenging the institutions that are the base of that morality.” (John 15:13)

Rand: “I have no faith at all, just convictions.”

Rand: “I don’t approve of religion.” (Micah 6:8)