
Hugo: 甲骨文裡的“上帝”是“撒但”

在殷商的人殉坑裡,有一群考古人士發現了刻有“上帝”二字的甲骨,利瑪竇鳥指著刻有“上帝”二字的甲骨對烏鴉說,“上帝者,生物原始,宰物本主也!甲骨文裡的‘上帝’ 與《六經》中的‘上帝’同《聖經》中的‘上帝’是不是一樣的?”

烏鴉指著人殉坑說,“主耶穌基督說,‘YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].’(John 8:44),耶和華怎麼可能接受這‘活人殉、活人牲、活人祭’的殺人祭文化(Gen 1:26-27; Gen 9:4-6; Exodus 20:13; Lev 24:17, 21; Mark 10:19; 1 John 3:15; Rev 21:8)?耶和華怎麼可能接受這‘分別埋放全軀人骨、無頭肢體、無肢體的人頭’的人牲坑文化呢?”

2011-3-8(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)

Ps, 甲骨文裡有關“上帝”的記載,例如,武丁時的卜辭說,“□□卜,爭[貞],上帝降暵(旱)。 ”(《殷墟書契續篇上.168》);祖庚、祖甲的卜辭說,“□□[卜],兄[貞],上帝.....出.....”(《通》368);廩辛、康丁時的卜辭說,“擊五鼓,上帝若(諾),王[受]佑”(《殷墟文字甲編》1164)等。