
Hugo: 塗污孔子像與移走孔子乾屍

在大紅龍帝國政權的天安門廣場,有十幾億自稱是竇娥冤民的人正在跪地舉牌抗議,牌子上寫著 “拆掉天安門城樓上的孔子像”、“移走天安門廣場南面撒旦紀念堂裡的孔子乾屍”、“燒掉孔子設計的共產黨旗”、“燒掉孔子設計的五星紅旗”、“孔子實行獨裁與專制政治”、“孔子是殺人屠夫”、“孔子大屠殺異己”、 “孔子導致超過八千萬位少正卯的死亡”( 不含因一胎化策被絞殺的數千萬嬰兒)、“孔子拒絕Liberal democracy(Constitutional democracy)”、“孔子還在奴化我們”、“推翻孔子建立的紅色殺人政權”、“審判孔子殺人罪行”、“重建新的孔子大一統帝國政權”等文字。


螢火蟲氣憤地說,“經上說,‘Do YOU not know that if YOU keep presenting yourselves to anyone as slaves to obey him, YOU are slaves of him because YOU obey him, either of sin with death in view or of obedience with righteousness in view? But thanks to God that YOU were the slaves of sin but YOU became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which YOU were handed over. Yes, since YOU were set free from sin, YOU became slaves to righteousness. I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of YOUR flesh: for even as YOU presented YOUR members as slaves to uncleanness and lawlessness with lawlessness in view, so now present YOUR members as slaves to righteousness with holiness in view. For when YOU were slaves of sin, YOU were free as to righteousness.What, then, was the fruit that YOU used to have at that time? Things of which YOU are now ashamed. For the end of those things is death. However, now, because YOU were set free from sin but became slaves to God, YOU are having YOUR fruit in the way of holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.’(Romans 6:16-23),這些不肯真心地接受 Jehovah’s Spirit 與 The gospel of Jesus Christ的奴獸,牠們如何能除滅自己身上多個獸的印記?牠們如何能除滅心中的大紅龍偶像?牠們如何能除滅心中的大紅龍大一統帝國偶像?牠們如何能擺脫奴性的官民與冤民意識?牠們如何能認清撒旦政權的非法性本質?牠們如何能意識到向撒旦索取正義的愚蠢行為?牠們如何能有足夠的道德勇氣站起來Drive out the evil spirit呢?”

2010-2-7(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)