I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images. (Is 42:8; John 3:16; John 17:24-26; Mt 6:10; Dan 2:44; Psalms 2:1-12)
Hugo: 我的武裝鬥爭與革命建國思想
第一,主張徹底地否定“中國”、“中華”、“中國人” 、“China”(應該以Asia, East Asia or Eastern Asia取代)、“Chinese”(應該以Asian, East Asian, or Eastern Asia取代)、“中國文化” 、“中國歷史”、“中華文化” 、“華夏文化”、“唐文化”、“漢文化”、“大漢種族沙文主義”、“大漢種族集體主義”、“大漢種族中央集權主義”、“大漢種族統治中心主義”、“大漢種族文化中心主義”、“大漢種族歷史中心主義”、“大漢種族化主義”、“大漢種族大一統主義”(屬於“大漢種族軍國主義”、“大漢種族帝國主義”)、“漢文字”、“漢語言”等概念與內涵的存在合法性;主張徹底地否定“中華人民共和國”、“中華人民共和國憲法”、“中華民國”、“中華民國憲法”等存在合法性;主張以武力推翻“中華人民共和國”與“中華民國”的非法政權;主張將曾參與“中華人民共和國與中華民國”非法政權的“共產黨、國民黨與民進黨”送上審判臺、清算其所有的罪行、逐條追究其所有的罪行(如貪腐或殺人罪行);主張在推翻“中華人民共和國”與“中華民國”的非法政權後,建立“東亞各地區:真相與和解委員會”(All regions of East Asia:Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC);主張在推翻“中華人民共和國”與“中華民國”的非法政權後,建立“共產黨大屠殺罪行記念館”、“國民黨大屠殺罪行記念館”、“歷史上漢人大屠殺罪行記念館”、“Tibetan大屠殺遇難者記念館”、“Uighurs大屠殺遇難者記念館”、“Southern Mongolian大屠殺遇難者記念館”等。
第二,主張以美國《The Declaration of Independence》、《The Articles of Confederation》、《Thomas Paine’s Common Sense》、《The United States Constitution》、《The Amendments to the Constitution》與《10 Commandments》等文件裡的理念,為東亞大陸與港台澳各地區革命思想的唯一基礎。
第三,主張以美國《The Declaration of Independence》、《The Articles of Confederation》、《Thomas Paine’s Common Sense》、《The United States Constitution》、《The Amendments to the Constitution》與《10 Commandments》等文件裡的理念,為東亞大陸與港台澳各地區建立“All different Asian Independent States”(可以有一百個以上的國)與未來建立“The United States of Asia”等的唯一基礎。
第四,主張東亞大陸與港台澳各地區人革命的目的,在於“Fight for individual dignity, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights”;在於建立“Individualism, Liberalism, Individual person, Freeman, Spirit of Liberty, Self-control, Self-government, Self-protection, Self-defense, Self-responsibility, Self-directed morals, All men are created equal”等的文明;在於建立“Independent state, The rule of law, Tripartite Separation of Powers (Separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers), The servants of the people (The government officers are the people's servants), People have the right to establish a nation, People have the right to autonomy, People have the right to establish a Constitution, All power from the people, Citizens are not subordinate to the government, Human rights transcend sovereignty, Enforced the nationalization of the armed forces, Multiparty politics, True private property system, Land privatization, People have the right to own guns, Modern Democracy”等的文明;在於建立“Minarchism (Minarchism, Minimal Statism, or Small Government), Limited Government(減少政府支出,Tax reduction, repeal of wartime excess profits tax), Positive non-interventionism, Liberalization Policy(Spiritual Liberalization, Cultural Liberalization, Economic Liberalization, Political Liberalization, Educational Liberalization), Laissez-faire Capitalism, Laissez-faire Economy, Laissez-faire Expertism, Laissez-faire Educationalism, Low-tax regime(Flat tax,A single low tax rate)”等的文明。
第五,主張“The English language shall be the official language of the United States of Asia and all different Asian Independent States”(各國可以保留其母語,如新加坡與香港模式)。
第六,主張以美國《The Declaration of Independence》裡的“All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”等理念文字,為東亞大陸與港台澳各地區《獨立宣言》的主要內容。
第七,我認為《聖經》是“Spirit of Liberty”與“Modern Democracy”文明的唯一有效基礎,因此,我主張以“一手拿《聖經》(《聖經》裡有《十誡》)與一手拿槍” 的革命方式,否則任何種類在東亞大陸與港台澳各地區的革命,最終將在“漢文化”、“漢文字”、“漢語言”等病毒文化下,走向新的專制、混亂與惡鬥等實質狀態。
2009-6-26(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)