
Hugo: 五四運動與新文化運動的本質

Hugo: 五四運動與新文化運動的本質



“這些‘無神論、大漢種族沙文主義、大漢種族大一統主義、愛國主義、反帝國主義、富國強兵’等思想,根本就沒有‘Holy Spirit、Spiritual soul、Absolute moral、Freedom、Justice、Spirit of Liberty、Individualism、Liberalism、Freeman、Free will and moral responsibility、Free will and moral choice、Liberalization、Self-dignity、Self-control、Self-government、Self-responsibility、Self-joy、Self-happiness、Self-directed morals、Self-enforced orientation、The rule of law、All power from the people、Limited power of the government、Human rights take precedence over sovereignty、People have the right to self-determination、Independent State’等本質理念!”

“這些‘無神論、大漢種族沙文主義、大漢種族大一統主義、愛國主義、反帝國主義、富國強兵’等思想,根本就沒有‘Fight for human rights , liberty, justice, and freedom’等的本質理念!”

“這些‘無神論、大漢種族沙文主義、大漢種族大一統主義、愛國主義、反帝國主義、富國強兵’等思想,根本就沒有‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’等的本質理念!”

“這些‘無神論、大漢種族沙文主義、大漢種族大一統主義、愛國主義、反帝國主義、富國強兵’等思想,根本就沒有‘The three-power Constitution is basic on a government of separated institutions sharing power, including the executive power、the legislative power、the judiciary power’等的本質理念!”

“這些‘無神論、大漢種族沙文主義、大漢種族大一統主義、愛國主義、反帝國主義、富國強兵’等思想,根本就沒有‘-- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’等的本質理念!”


2009-5-6(Hugo Liberalitas:http:/ blog.roodo.com/hugoliu1)