
Hugo: 耶和華為什麼要派他的兒子耶穌來人間?

既然耶和華已有Jewry的選民(God's chosen people),那麼耶和華為什麼還要派他的兒子耶穌來人間?

由於Jewry只接受耶和華的救恩,而沒有善盡耶和華的大使命,而沒有積極地對萬民(All Nations )傳揚福音,因此耶和華派耶穌來人間;這說明了Jews一直無法完全突破其種族歧視(Racial Discrimination)的貧困,這也說明了God’s Gospel是屬於全人類的,不是嗎?

從《Bible》的Matthew 8:13 ; Matthew 21:33-46 ; Matthew 28:18-20 ; Mark 11:17 ; Luke 10:30-36 ; Acts1:8 ; Acts10-11; Acts9:1-19 ; Acts15 等篇章 ,可以了解耶和華派耶穌來人間的原因,不是嗎?

耶穌來人間,也將『God’s steadfast love and righteousness』、『Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.』、『Confession』、『Reborn』、『Holy Spirit』、『Light and Salt』、『Living Water』、『Giving to the Needy』、『Love your neighbor as yourself』、『Love for Enemies』、『But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.』、『The Beatitudes』、『Concerning Retaliation』、『Concerning Almsgiving』、『Forgiveness』、『Reconciliation』(Matthew5:23-24)、『Concerning Treasures』、『The Sound Eye』、『Ask, Search, Knock』、『Tree and Its Fruit』、『Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Jesus』、『Spiritual Food』、『Eternal Life』、『Salvation』、『Redeemed from Sin』、『Truth, The Way, Life』、『Resurrection』、『Last Judgment』等的福音告訴人類,不是嗎?

